There's a black squirrel out in the yard giving me the eye :)
I think he wants a cookie.
It's finally starting to feel like normal around here - as if "normal" is even possible. We've just been so rushed the last few weeks that it feels good to not have any big obligations to be met. Unless you want to talk about property taxes ... nah... I won't go there!
Saturday we had a funeral - my aunt passed away, my Mom's sister. My cousin's son gave the nicest eulogy ~ so spot on. It makes you wonder sometimes ... what will it be like at my funeral ... what will be said ?? How was I perceived in this allotted time on earth??

The weekend of the JPD Warrior Projects fisheree, that we had the end of January, is a lot of work; but it's also so personal for the family. It's also the anniversary of my nephews death from suicide. That is why we have the fisheree in the first place ... to raise funds to bring in speakers to the schools to address kids about suicide awareness and self esteem. We have a group called the Bucket Fillers coming in March (more on them later). The fisheree is our fund raiser to get enough money to support these efforts and support other community projects such as the Time Out Shelter and the Corner Rock Youth Center.
This coming Wednesday will be the anniversary of my sister's death - I sure do miss her. She was always so fun loving and happy. I still want to "just pop in" for that cup of coffee and catch up with her on what's going on with her and her family ... or get my hair trimmed.
It will also be the anniversary date of my parents wedding. My Dad too is no longer with us ... and sure is missed. He too was just such a loving and caring man - and had such a knack of telling the BEST true stories ever!! The scrapbook page is of the last photos I had taken of him on the day we launched his homemade boat.
Yes, times like this makes a person think ... and value what they have. It is also a time to reflect and cherish the memories and moments of those who are no longer with us.
I know ... time for me to say, "I think I'll make some Jello" but not today ... today it's homemade bread and a raspberry doughgen.
... and get some smelt thawed out for supper ~ Dear Hubby has a cravin' and I only make them once or twice a year ... and he reminded me it's been awhile :)
Until next time ...
So it goes in my neck of the woods.