My house smells like cranberries! I was given a dish pan full of fresh cranberries that were just harvested off the marsh - next door to my daughters place.
I never attempted to dehydrate them before ~ turning them into Craisins. Now I have four trays going and going and going and going. Wow... these little buggers take a LONG time to dry! They have been in the dehydrator 12 hours already. Of course, I had to google and see how long they take
after I started this project. It said that they can take up to 18 hours for drying time. Geeze, if I had known that before starting I might not have done it.
I glanced out the kitchen window and what should I see ~ the little yearling is there eating the last apple off the tree.
This little guy has been coming into the yard for a year now. It's been a loner for some time. I'm thinking that it's Momma may have been eaten by the wolves or hit by a car early this spring.
Whenever I see it I go outside and talk to it. It's starting to get used to me and losing it's fear of me :) He knows he's safe around me.
I went slowly down the deck steps talking to him. Then I just stood there and let him approach me. Talking softly to him all the time. If I use the zoom on my camera he gets nervous. So I take off the zoom and wait. In the span of about 10 minutes he works his way closer.
Yes, I'm talking to you ... how long are you going to roll that apple around in your mouth? Did you bite off more than you can chew?
Don't be cocking that ear at me. I'm not going to hurt you. I might even give you another apple one of these days from my hand. How would you like that?
Another apple?
Oh how I wish I had an apple in my hand!!
This is the closest he's ever been to me.
Sorry little one ~ next time I promise I will have a treat for you. I bet you would just gobble up some cranberries or better yet some craisins. Just keep coming around and we'll have our little chats.
It's just a matter of time ... I think I'll have him eating out of my hand.
This is just another reason I love living in the north woods!
Until next time ...
So it goes in my neck of the woods.