brrr... it was a cold one last night. Our temperature got down below freezing, as predicted ... around 25 degrees. I took the time before going to bed last night to tuck in my plants under some tarps, sheets, and paper bags. Everything looks okay today.
A comment was made to me once about us northerners and our flowers ... how we get so protective of them and "braggy" about them. I guess some of us are ... but I know some people in the southern states who are too:)
I guess it's because we have such a short growing season in our area ... and we REALLY love seeing something grow ~ besides the height of the snowbanks all year... AND when things start greening up we hate to see a killing frost come along and "deadicate" them (one of my Daddy's words, lol).
Another week yet and then I'll be concentrating a little more on the vegetable garden. I'm not putting in a huge garden this year like we have in the past ... just a few green beans, beets, turnips, kohlrabi, tomatoes(for eating fresh), dill and cucumbers. I plan on purchasing from our Amish and Mennonite friends the squash and tomatoes for canning. I also plan on buying direct from farmers market my carrots, potatoes, cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli. I just don't have enough "umph" left in me to do it all on my own anymore. But I'm not giving up my canning, or my berry picking and jelly making.
The other day, Sara came over and pointed out an advertisement in the paper ~ someone was giving away some big goldfish for a pond. HELLO... I need goldfish! The ad was a few days old already, what were my chances?
Now the black lagoon is home to six fish once again. Thank you Jack (the guy with the fish).
If you're wondering what the black lagoon is ~ that's the rubbermaid tub that's sunk in the ground at the bottom of my waterfall on my little hill between the flower bed and the driveway.
Here's a pic of the start of that project in 2007
What a difference some rocks, ferns and sweat can make:
my hillside garden in 2009 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
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the potato patch of 2009 |
the old garden |
Now our garden is an eighth of the that size ... which is just right.
mom and her hollyhocks |
We'll be vegetable gardening this year over by my Mom's place ... just across 40 acres from us. It's all fenced in from the deer, and has beautiful yellow hollyhock flowers that bloom around it's edges. These photos are from 2009. We've tried putting a garden in by our house; but it wasn't very good here. It's too shady in the woods. Veggies like the open spaces and sun!
Yeah... we work hard around here to make a living off the land as much we can ... and to enjoy the blessing of nature that the Good Lord has provided. HE has given us this earth as our temporary home to live on ... and it's up to us to take care of it.
Enjoy your day! See the beauty that is all around you ~ you only need to open your eyes.
Even an old pair of boots can be beautiful.
Until next time...
So it goes in my neck of the woods.