Happy Valentine's Day!
I told Dear Hubby some new chrome would be a nice gift ...
a new car ...
I'll settle
kitchen faucet.
that had a way of irritating my last good nerve.
Yesterday afternoon, we picked up Mom and took her for a drive up north of us to my brother Eric's land. He is logging off and making firewood of some of the blown down trees from the tornado that went through there last summer.
We could only drive in so far ...
Then we had to walk the trail to where my brothers Eric and Randy were working.
An orange hard hat and a Green Bay Packer sweatshirt ~
what a fashion statement!
Slim jumped right in there with helping to run the controls on the jammer to load up some logs.
Boys and their toys.
~gotta love that green and gold~
The big yellow thing on the right is the new dray the guys put together to haul out logs behind the jammer. They have to haul the logs out across 2 forty acre sections ... so it saves them a little time and effort ... although when I was there they only hauled out the one load with the tractor and trailer.
Along side the trail was a nice sized wolf track.
There was also a nice sized deer track ... with a drop of blood in front of it.
My guess ... the deer is no longer there.
As you can see by the pictures ... we still have a LOT of snow in the woods.
it's rough navigation with all the broken down trees laying everywhere
The weather has warmed up enough that the sap is starting to drip from the trees.
Mom just cracks me up some times ...
The snow was falling off the trees and where does she stop to have a look around ~
Right smack dab under it.
It didn't fall on her ...
but seriously
nasty little me
was half hoping it would have.
I would have laughed.
I'm bad.
I know.
Eric ~ Randy & Slim
looking across the field
heading across the field with a load of wood
looking up the road ... checking both ways for traffic ... lol
Slim ... sporting his short goatee ...
It was all the way down to his chest but he decided to 'clean up' for spring early and cut it shorter right before Christmas.
Truthfully ... it was starting to curl and it was driving him crazy ... but he won't admit that.
Until next time...
So it goes in my neck of the woods.